Salty, a D2C fashion jewellery brand, has raised Rs 5.4 crore (approximately $650K) in the seed funding round. The investment was led by All in Capital and Anicut Capital, with participation from Suashish Diamonds, JK Group, and other investors.
Salty is a fashion jewellery and accessories brand focusing on young Indian consumers. It targets both men and women and has a wide range of products like bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. The brand provides trendy products at affordable prices through its D2C website.
As mentioned by the company, it has fulfilled over 100,000 orders in the past year and is still growing. With the latest investment, the startup will grow its workforce, launch new product lines to expand the market, and strengthen its digital presence.
The company’s co-founders are Twishaa Gupta, Kanishka Garg, and Sonaal Goel, and it is headquartered in Delhi, India.
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